A little ray about me… and about you

Hi, my name is Shana, and I was born in Malta, a tiny island in the Mediterranean Sea. 

Aerial image of Malta

I am a traveller, a life coach, and a writer… and I love, love.

In my write-ups I will be drawing on my life experiences and challenges that we all go through. I will be talking about mine and your literal and figurative mountains. I will be talking about self-awareness, self-love, self-care and self-productivity. I will be talking about the supernatural being in you and in me and hopefully I will help provide you with a little rain of sunshine.

When it comes to love, I get a sense of indulgences and warmth with the 5 senses – the smell, the taste, the touch, the sight and the sound of love itself.

This is how and why I am here, and this is why you are drawn here. Love.

Love makes the world go round and if we had more of it, the world would have more flowering green fields and less dark browned grounds. It would have more turquoise blue skies and less black, burnt-out ashes of which are seen as doubled-feathered sheets of over-head clouds.

Love is a language which both the deaf can hear and the blind can see. It is a language that needs no words, just thoughts and actions. It is something that we all have in us and it is something that we all can provide… without even knowing it.

You are love in a tangible and spiritual form.

Now when I mentioned the word “world” I did not just mean about the physical world that we are currently breathing in, but I am talking about each and every single one of us as individual souls.

You mean the world to a lot of people, as a lot of people mean the world to you; you also mean the world to the world as without you the world would not be the same. So believe me when I say “every single little bit that you do for yourself and for the world, will make a difference!”

Each and every single day we grow; not just through our thoughts but also with actual age growth.  Each day that we read, write, contemplate, experiment and explore; we grow.

My views, beliefs and mind become more detailed and I learn something new every day… as the expression goes. Just as you do, whether it is through a book you are reading or an article or a person that has walked into your workplace, or with something that has caught your eye…we are learning something new, even without knowing it at that specific moment in time.

After travelling for 4 years with only a backpack to contain my belongings I have learnt that it really is true – less is more!  The less I physically own and the less material things I have the more space I give to creativity and beautiful souls. The less time I spend with my material objects… the more time I spend with God’s precious gift, life.

Detachment is a sense of freedom.

Western Australia


Do not be scared to detach yourself from the things that you “love” if they or it are not giving you the joy and love you need, nor are they/it giving you that fulfilment that you are after. As hard as detachment is, and I know this first hand as I had to detach myself from many things and people in my life, it had to be done in order to get that freedom I was seeking. To get back to loving myself, my environment and my soul. This happened over and over again. It is an ongoing process; it is just part of this beautiful, unexplainable circle of life.



So to conclude about myself, whereas I am always talking about yourself… love as you want others to love you, love where you are now even if it is not exactly where you want to be, love the natural air that you breathe and love the earth that has been provided to us as a beautiful playground of living, breathing joy.

Catch ya on the other side of the rainbow Brothers and Sisters.

I pray that you get the love and light that you are looking for in your life and I hope that this is something that you are seeking and it is something that provides you with a little rain of sunshine.





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