A Season For All

As the seasons use flowers; your love for her just acts the same.

Your water soaks her with love so that she may grow, but when you decide that time is up, your water pours so that she may down.

Your light feeds her energy so that she may glow, but when you’ve had enough; your light turns fierce so that she may burn out.

Your gentle whispers blow strength through her veins so that she may withstand the winds, but when you flip; your tongue turns into a knife and you cut her down.

…And just as a season slowly but abruptly makes its way out, your presence did just the same, but laugh not as there is a season that grows a certain flower all year round.

I am the season
You are the flower

You are the season
I am the flower

Our roles change

It just depends on who’s growing who

But one day we will find a perfect season, and a forever flower.

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

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