Choose Your Battles

In a world where beauty meets the eyes
Where fame and famine are seen as fine
Where having more is viewed as divine

In a world where anger and lust
Are urged as a must
In a world where status and greed
Will never flee

In a world where having a heart is seen as soft
Where cruelty and caring come at a cost
Where having less is viewed as a loss

In a world that can be stopped by none
But only by One
In a world where feelings are chocked
And everything has been revoked

In a world
I tell you what;
In this world…
If we win this war, we’re gonna lose it all

The world one day will stop its produce.
It will spit and puke, curl and hurl.

It will one day stop the love that it has for us.
It will finally set itself free.

The world one day will bleed its pain and torture transforming the seas and roads into a blood path.

The world one day will have enough.

The world one day will finally let us go!

Change can help and can happen.
Things won’t remain the same.

Seek for difference.
Be persistent.

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

Our time: 11:59am UTC