Home She Went

You no longer walk with us
That is the hard part
But death has turned you into an angel
That is the delightful part

It’s heavy to see you go
But I smile and dance
For your subtle soul
Flies around in the heavens above

I smile because you smile
I dance because I see you dance
I cry because you hurt
I rest because you have finally rested

Your voice
It may not be heard
Yet your love
Will forever remain a gentle touch

Affliction we have
As all farewells do
We are waving
However, God is waiting

I know your welcoming will be grand
For His child home, she returns
Little girl; groove that spirit
And share your joy

“Death makes angels of us all
And gives us wings smooth as ravens claws”

The Doors

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

Our time: 8:42am UTC