Pain Is Inevitable

You created a boulevard
Even when there was no path
You helped us to create, to be creative
You helped us find a way in a place where we thought there would be no way

A secret path
A magical decision
An unseen vision

You blew the winds
But only we can raise the sailes
You carried the grounds of fire
But only we can set ablaze

In times of trouble
We knocked
And thou answered

In times of pain
You said, “Do not fear!”
Fear not did we

I thank You for all that I have
And for all that I don’t
For all I have lost
And for all I have to gain

Countless times in my life where I wondered “why?!” and I wanted otherwise…
But blessed again there are countless times in my life that I then said “thank you; I see it now” for if those things did not happen, or were they not removed the deeper diamonds would not have been found.

Not all things will be explained.
Many things are hard.
And as a friend quoted
“Life is pain”
But with pain comes strength, love, and companions.

Loads of love,

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

Our time: 12:10pm UTC