T.I.M.E is essential

Thailand- Bang Chak Phra Khanong


7 days ago a bus blew up 180meters from my room. Nobody got hurt!

I was staying in an apartment building where there were 4 rooms and 3 occupants (including myself) and a little landing on each floor. The ironic thing about this building which I was advised to stay at by someone I met in another part of Thailand, was that all 3 of us that were staying in this building had a creative side. 

One was a fashion designer, another was a painter and one (which is I) a life-coach writer.

I was in my room writing in my journal, after a little gym session that I put together and suddenly I hear a massive “boom”, the floor shook and the lights out went out. I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, I am a little bit of a doodle head and didn’t really take notice; I thought 

“You’re in Thailand, lights go out and big bangs happen” 

I was the only one in the building at that time, so I just kept reading until the landlord came to get me, and in the matter of seconds (could have been minutes but it felt like seconds) there was a lot of commotion going on outside my room as all I could hear were screams and shouts. I quickly dressed decently and ran down the stairs, pressed the switch to open the door, opened the door and witnessed a few people running towards my direction and a few running towards a fire, to which I could make of. I attentively and slowly made my way through the front and saw a bus on fire. 

Bus explosion

T – This
I – Is
M – My
E – Existence

Definition of Existence – . To have an objective and ‘subjective reality’. To live under adverse conditions. To survive, to subsists.

❖  The objective reality – the reality outside of our mind; the physical world. The objects and events that make up our day-to-day raw data.

❖  The subjective reality – the REALITY in our minds. The meaning you assign to things and events. It is all YOUR dreams, idea’s, beliefs and truths.

WE are here to Exist.
We are here to have a subjective and objective reality. To BE and not just to be. To LIVE and not just to live. To survive and to thrive.

ALL behaviour is belief driven. You believe you can do something, and then you will. You believe you can’t, and then you won’t.

We are conceived and born in the same way, but we are not all meant to be the same!

There is this list that we all have to which I like to call the “never ending list’. It’s the list that allows us not to do something… it’s too cold, it’s too hot, it’s raining, I don’t have a car, I don’t have enough money, I do not have enough time, I’ll just  do it tomorrow… the list is literally never ending.

Yes, of course I agree sometimes we are so swamped with daily things that we feel that there isn’t enough time, but that is where planning and prioritising steps in. 

There were times were I worked 3 jobs and other times where I was working, opening a website, studying, going to the gym and the list goes on… but I sat down, cleared my mind and made a list of what I NEEDED to get done and what I WANTED to get done. There is a big difference between needing and wanting. The things that I needed to get done were my priority list that I needed to “tick off” then after those things were done I made space for the things which I wanted to get done. Slowly slowly my list became smaller, my mind became clearer and my days became less full and organisation walked right back in. I love my little “to do lists” and I love seeing those lists with a line straight through the things I needed and wanted to get done.  

It was wet season in Thailand, so it rained every day and the weather was hot and humid. I rode my rented bicycle, I danced (literally) in the rain and jumped onto my scooter to go to my further destinations. I trained in my room when there was no gym (even when there was ‘no space’ to train in the room, I made space). I washed my hair everyday (ladies y’all know what I mean) I wore wet clothes through the day and I woke up to see sunrise most mornings as I couldn’t see my beautiful Broome sunsets anymore (I was travelling  the east side of Thailand, so sunrises where more of a view than sunsets).

To be honest the rain made me stronger literally and figuratively. It made everything harder; the more it rained the harder it was to pedal whilst more power was poured into my body and mind. The more the winds blew the more strength I had to add to my pedal whilst more fire burnt in my soul and the stronger my heart flamed.

So as a reminder capture your Time and seize Your day.
Work on that tan you’ve been saying you want. Work on that body. Do 7 push ups instead of 5. Read that book that’s been sitting on your shelf. Travel. See sunrise and sunset. Meet that person you’ve been saying you want to meet. If you have something to say, say it. Forgive and let go. Love and let yourself be loved. Don’t be shy.

Get that “never ending list” down to a “zero list” because they are just excuses to make you feel that it’s okay; that tomorrow will come and tomorrow will come again and again… hopefully.

Ephesians 5:15-17 

So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time because the times are evil. 

Our time: 6:52am UTC