The Bloody Battlefield

In silence, we lay and stare
Whilst the darkness is piercing through
The body seems at ease
Whilst the mind… it’s starting a war

Looking for shelter but none is found
Approaching to run, but one cannot outrun themselves
Load, lock, aim & shoot, but in barrel remains the shot
Exhausted and tempted to breathe, but there is no rest in this raging war

Fast asleep or wide awake
24/7 the war goes on
A war that is set to defeat its own indestructible self
A war that somehow needs a win

A ticking bomb
A ground full of chaos
An infinite time
An endless view

Night or day
Sun or rain
Year after year
This waging war will still roar on

The mind races
Anxiety creeps in
There seems to be no end to this race

But bare in mind all races have a finishing line

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

Our time: 9:51am UTC