The Hardest Words To Say

I’m sorry.

The hardest words to say
Yet they are the words that can help ease the way.

The least likely words to hear
But the ones that most likely clear the air.

A heavy word
But literally a 7- lettered phrase.

I’m sorry
A word that paints forgiveness
But so easily washed away with the coloured, unforgettable, beguiled actions.

Words that should be written on many lips
But are smudged within an old sealed kiss.

Words that should be on the tip of the tongue
But are swallowed by the indulgence of silly, young pride.

Words that taste bitter
But sound sweet.

Words that are longed to hear, but not even uttered by whispering.

I’m sorry.

Sorry seems to be the hardest word…

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

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