The start of The Genesis

When I did most things in my life I always had someone saying “Don’t do that. That is not safe. What about your future? I don’t really think it will work out for you…”

I am sure that most of us can relate to this. 

God willingly I always did what I felt was right; to add to that I also was a little bit of a rebellious soul and always wanted to take my own decisions… this started off at a very early age. 

Mistakes were done, actually a lot of mistakes were done. The idea which felt right at that specific moment in time sometimes actually turned out to be one of the worse ideas of that time… but if you actually sit down and reminisce (and yes, I would like to use the word “reminisce” as although they were the utterly wrong and bad decisions, today I reminisce them with joy, laughter and at times disappointment, but although a disappointment still an accomplishment in the aftermath) about the whole situation they were actually the “right but wrong decisions”. Without those “right but wrong decisions” made I would not be where I am today… and where I am today with all the lessons that I have learnt and grown from I am content and blessed. Even with all the bad choices and bad outcomes that came out of those bad decisions, I wouldn’t change a thing. 

The most important thing was that I learnt and grew from my mistakes. I did not keep on playing the same piano note over and over again, as if I did my melody would not have changed and my musical note book would have no pages. 

I fell and I fell hard, I smashed into so many pieces so many times and thought that “this was it”, but somehow the pieces re-joined with the natural “human-magnetic” field that we all have and an only better and stronger version of myself was magnetized back together. 

In November 2017, about a year after I had met God, I found out my purpose and now I am chasing it! I do not know how I will get there but God knows I will!

I could state that being here right now is a very big stepping stone for me in capturing the reality of my dreamed about dreams. My writings started 8 months after the revelation, this interconnection started 2 years after and I can surely say that I have a very long, beautiful, and rocky, up hilled mountain trek in front of me, with my majestic endless mountain top dreams insight. 

Thailand – Prachuap Khiri Khan

One of the many motivational speakers that I follow and listen to is Lisa Nichols and in one of her talks she says:

“Evict Fear. Evict it!” 
“Other people’s opinion of you is none of your business” 
“The best lessons you learn, the best motivation you get comes wrapped up in sand paper and thorns!”

If I never evicted fear and other people’s opinions I would have never left Malta and travelled Australia nor be in Thailand (where this story originated from), travelling solo, experiencing some of the most unforgettable stories. 

Before running off to Thailand I was living in a fairy tale land called Broome, in Western Australia. Traffic lights did not exist, the beach was 22km of just white grained sand, turquoise seas and sunsets which bought tears to my eyes with their beauty. Till today when I look at my photos tears of joy run down my face. 

I lost my heart, body, mind and soul all at once. I left my job, my studies and my home in a blink of an eye (for the second time)… but had I not I would have never managed to write the things I have written nor start the build up to “My Rome”

So as Lisa Nichols would say: 
“Hold fear in one hand and compassion in the other and take that jump!”

I’ve jumped and I’m ready to go head first for success and aware about failure!

You too could also take that jump!

Sky Diving in Miami

Don’t forget that Rome was not built in a day! 

So if there is something that you WANT start NOW, even if your effort feels like a little tiny grain of white sand… start you’re beach. 

Follow your heart and dream big baby. 

Psalm 23:

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me. 

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