To Safety We Try To Flee

I do not know what day it is
My husband has died and my children are hungry
I seem to see blurry most days, my head is foggy, my eyes have water drowning me daily and thick dust hovers over our streets. Our mouths are dry and our ears have a constant ring in them.

I do not know what day it is
My husband has died and my children are hungry
One day, food we had, and the next, in the blink of an eye we are scrapping blood off each other’s mouths.
The roof of stone which once protected us is now unintentionally killing us.

We once had a home. We were safe and sheltered. Now we run days on end for a boat to catch to save my babies’ poor souls. We don’t know how to swim but we will die trying.

I do apologize that we have invaded your land, but the government leaves us no choice. It’s a filthy world we live in where money, power, and regime are in control. Please try to understand we are not illegal immigrants, we are human, just like you.

I wish you love and safety,

Things we have in our control:
° Donate anything – clothes, food, money
° Help however you can
° Love and speak well

It’s hard on both sides, but evil talk and hatred ain’t gonna get us anywhere.

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

Our time: 3:03pm UTC