Unwanted Feelings

Through the eyes of another she sees
Letting go of her own keys
Another person’s vision starts to unfold
As an unwanted feeling is growing bold

On her knees, she deeply pleads
“Please, don’t let this build inside of me”
She cries. She bleeds
“I think it’s time for me to flee”

Torn into pieces
She knows the truth
Yet she cannot see it
A broken clear crystal glass

Shattered into pieces
On the floor she lays
She screams;
“I won’t! I won’t let this build inside of me”

When unwanted feelings grow inside your gut, taking over like maggots eating a cadaver.

It might look nasty but the maggots are there to help.

Seek the good in all situations, there is always a little hole of light.

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

Our time: 12:08pm UTC