What’s The Difference

What’s the difference?

We spend 3 minutes zooming in and out of a women’s curves, to only be directed by our thumb and index finger towards her face; analysing, criticising, romanticising.

We spend 0 minutes to find out about a child suffering in a civil war; devoid of any sympathy or thought.

What’s the difference?

We spend €6.50 on tobacco, a plant that is harvested by us to harm us, potentially to die by our own hands.

We spend €0.00 on a homeless man, who’s either dying of thirst or shivering from the cold to then shy our face because THIS man “will spend our money on drugs”

Don’t we just do the same? Lust, gluttony, envy.

Some of us, JUST made it out alive… whilst some, are TRYING to come out alive.

What’s the difference between You, I, Him, and Her?

We create the difference, but we can also create a bond.

What’s the difference?

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

Our time: 11:45am UTC