Years Together

You smiled, I laughed
You waved, I winked
You spoke, I listened
You hugged, I kissed

I held your hand, you had my back
I watched you cry, you wiped my tears
I heard your love, you saw my actions
I felt your pain, you took mine away

I prayed for you, You prayed for me
You asked me to never let you go
I asked you to never hurt me so

I showed you new places, you gave me new feelings
I treated you with warmth, you helped me with peace
I touched your heart, you cared for my soul
I gently kissed your neck whilst you playfully twirled my hair

…And then somehow, just like that, in the blink of an eye the days turned into months, the months grew into years.
And now you have my heart, and I have yours.

Safe and Sound their hearts were kept.

Shana Abela
Rain of Sunshine

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