You are your only limit

The only subject, object and situation that is limited, is in fact You; Yourself. 

You are your only limit. 

Time essentially is limited as we know that one day we must be born again. We know that one day we will leave this earth, so therefore time on earth is limited BUT it is not limiting us. Time never said “you cannot do this” or “now is your time, you must do it now”. We, as a society have come up with this definition of what we think “time” should and shouldn’t be.

Society and our previously trained brains are brought up to believe that there is a limit to the things we can or cannot do. Now I’m talking about a wide range of things such as travelling, having no owned house, climbing a mountain, being butt naked in a sauna in the middle of the freezing cold winters of Siberia (which holds the record for the coldest inhabited place in 2018) to having kids at the age of 30. 

There is no written guide plan to living life. 

We are limiting and restricting ourselves to live the full potential of the real us on this planet called earth. Right now, this second stop reading this write-up and ask yourself:

“Am I really doing what I want to be doing?” 

Get a pen and a piece of paper and write down your thoughts of what YOU actually want. This can be adjusted at any time and as you please, you are the author of this book. 

Now please believe me when I say “You are capable of doing whatever you want and you can be whatever you want to be” but also please bear in mind that a fish cannot climb a tree – find your capabilities. We all have our own special power, special passion and desire in this life – we are all unique in our own separate ways. 

I, for example wish I could sing and dance; and I tell you what I actually believe that I can BUT after numerous compliments (😛) from my beautiful friends and father I MIGHT have to hand in my towel, but you actually never know. If I had the time to take up lessons maybe I would be the next Beyonce – its just that this is not my passion, my desire, that is why I do not pursue it. 

My dream is to be a life-coach, a writer and speaker through holistic life and sustainability and to write poems therefore I read, write and study endless hours a day to make myself better than I was yesterday. I also have other passions such as exercise, travelling, diving and providing a helping hand, which I try and execute in my ongoing days. 

Never would I have thought that I could walk up mountains and stay in tea houses for 15days or live out of a back pack or travelled alone or done so many other things that I have done. I thought that by the age of 28 I would have a house, a family and a stable job – but that is nowhere near the case. I did what I wanted to do because one fine day I woke up and said “I will be living my days as I want to and if you are not happy Shana, you are not a tree – move!” and that is how I live, to this day. 

We limit ourselves with so many things:

“I can’t do push ups”, “I can’t leave my job”, “I can’t be alone”, “I cant, I can’t, I can’t”

There was a time in Thailand, travelling alone. I was so broken… I had no idea who I really was and all my past came running back to me like a massive zombie apocalypse, all hell was breaking lose and I had no idea why. I had no idea how to control it, fix it or calm it down… it was a blood bath of my past, present and future being all mashed by a blender.

My thoughts were literally just out of control. 

Driving around on my rented scooter I came across this this little “mountain”, there was a sign “No entry after 15:00” it was 15:something, it was still light and there still remained another 4-5 hours before night actually fell. I had heard that it is beautiful for sunrise as it was a 360degree view of Khao Daeng, so I said if it’s worth it I’ll suss out the situation today and walk up the mountain tomorrow morning. So, I walked up and reached the top (it wasn’t an easy walk. 725m of just a weird uphill spiral forest walk, but then again it wasn’t a killer) the view as advised by a few people was just spectacular and once I was on top my brain stopped; everything left. My thoughts were cleaned and fresh, it was an absolute relief but there was something inside of me saying “conquer it for sunrise”. Now I immediately hushed that voice, there was no way I was going to walk up a scary old mountain alone at 03:00am in Thailand with no torch (just my phone), I just can’t. But then whilst driving home I suddenly felt this energy inside of me saying “you must do it” (maybe it was the little rebellious, adrenaline seeking side of my soul knocking). 

I therefore changed the “I can’t” to “erm…Yes I can”, it might have been a little dangerous but I knew that I was safe. We all have the instinct part of us which whispers and tells us whether it is safe or not. I knew what she was telling me. 

KHAO DANG – Sunrise View

We limit ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally. We stop loving because we have been hurt many times before but you have no idea how many opportunities we miss out when we stop loving.

Never give up on love. 

Therefor to conclude; the most empowering feeling is doing something that you are scared of doing and finally conquering it. Nothing good comes easy, but when you get it done, boy what a feeling. 

Time is essential. 

Do NOT be your limit. There are no limits. 

Exodus 3:11 

But Moses said to God, “WHO AM I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

Our time: 6:42am UTC